Where can I find Pen Pals?
There are many many many places you can find the perfect pen pal(s)!
If you have a Facebook account here are a list of groups on Facebook that I recommend, I found most of my pen pals on Facebook through these groups!
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/2266727506908080/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/LLFemaleSnailMailPPs/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/267019763720515/
You also can find pen pals on Instagram, Tumbler, and other websites. I'll leave a link down below for you to check out!
- http://www.penpalworld.com/
- https://www.snailmailpenpals.net/
- https://lettersandgifts.tumblr.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/
If you are trying to find pen pals on Instagram I recommend you making a separate Instagram account for pen paling. The reason for this is that the Pen pal community is so big that sharing pictures of your creations and ideas with others helps you find more pen pals and also using the hastags #penpalswanted and #penpalsneeded are two helpful ways to find pen pals on Instagram. I've seen so many inspiring ideas on Instagram that helped me with my pen pals letters.
I hope this helps you find the perfect pen pals!
Follow me on Instagram: Courtneysmillionlittleletters
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